Monday, June 13, 2016

Summer Shoes

It all started when my friend sent me this picture and asked if I could make something like this for her. The shoes in the picture are embroidered but I didn't think it would be too difficult to make something similar with fabric paints.

She bought these plain canvas shoes online and shipped them to me. I even had yellow, red and white fabric paints left over from the caps I made. I painted them and they look pretty fresh! :)

Below is a close up of the orange one. This was a lot of fun!

As always, Thanks for reading. <3

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Whimsy on 22"x20"

This is a painting that I have been working on for a while. It is an abstract whimsical painting. This again shows my love for hot air balloons. This is a pretty big canvas, it is a 22x20 inch canvas. I started with the background. I wanted to create a lot of texture and movement in the background. This isn't a realistic sky but a more fantasy one. 

This is a original piece of art. Its something that I have been brewing on for a while. Once I finished the background, I had this idea of doing just the outline of a hot air balloon over the horizon. This itself was kind of a challenge because I was trying to get all the lines the exact same thickness with a really thin paint brush. After hours of painstakingly painting in the lines it looked like the image below. It just didn't look complete, it lacked something!

Then this piece lay in my art room for months while I couldn't figure out why it looked incomplete. I didn't want to color in the balloon because I thought it would take away from the texture and movement in the sky. I wanted the sky to be the focus of this painting. 

But... I finally gave in and decided to color the balloon in. I think it turned out good and didn't take away from the drama in the sky. 

Here is a picture showing the painting on my easel. This should give you an idea of how big the painting really is. 

As always, Thanks for reading. :)

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Sun Sand and Waves

This is one of those paintings that has been in my mind for the longest time! I have been meaning to try something like this forever but I have always been intimidated by the thought of painting waves. So after watching a lot of videos online on how to paint the ocean, how to paint waves, I took the brave step of attempting it myself. :) 

This painting is inspired by various photographs of beaches, ocean, clouds, water that I researched online. It is an original piece. Since this was my first time painting waves, I chose a small canvas (6x8). Even though it looks good, the sea could still use a lot more movement. Maybe I will try a bigger canvas next time.

This is what the initial basic layout looked like. I did pull the water line much closer to the viewer later on. My original plan was to paint some beach chairs on the sand but then I decided to focus more on the waves and the clouds. The picture below shows a close up of an intermediate stage. 


Here are some close ups of the clouds. They were a lot of fun to work on.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Thanks for reading. :)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Welcome Spring!

These 2 pencil sketches are dedicated to all the beauty that comes with Spring. This is the season which reminds us of new life every year. Birds return from their long flights, trees bud and soon it will all be luscious green again!

I have always enjoyed pencil shading. The owl is a great subject for graphite pencils. He looks pretty fierce, doesn't he? :)

I am still learning the techniques of using color pencils. These sketches are imitations of other artists work. Color pencils are so versatile. You can achieve great texture or you can get a smooth blended look. This colorful bird is a good one to start with.

Here are few more pictures showing the texture and the blended looks that you can achieve with color pencils.

Hope you all enjoy the warm spring sun this weekend! 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hand Painted Bags - Part II

This is the second batch of paintings that will eventually be stitched on to bags. The first 3 are here.

This one is inspired by the beautiful hot air balloons that fly over our house regularly during summer. They are a wonderful sight.

I let my mind flow on this one. I wanted it to be an explosion of color. I think it will make a good purse.

And this is the last one in the series. I will be shipping all of these to India soon. I can't wait to see the finished purses. :)

Monday, February 15, 2016

Hand Painted Bags

I know these don't look like hand painted bags right now, but soon they will be stitched onto bags/purses. This is a project that I am collaborating with my mom. She stitches awesome handbags/purses and so we thought why not turn them into unique pieces of art. Here is her facebook page . I think this will work out well and once the bags are done and ready, I will post them on this blog.

This first piece is a very traditional Indian lady in a beautiful saree.

These paintings have been done on canvas sheets using acrylic paints. The canvas sheets are flexible enough to act like cloth. They are as thick as your canvas shoes would be. They might not be washable but I cant think of a time when I wanted to wash my purse. ;)

This last one is an abstract painting of African princesses. I really love how the orange brings out the bright colors in this one.

All of these pieces are 9x6 inches. That should be small enough to fit on some trendy fashionable handbags. :)

I cant wait to see the finish products!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Happy Feet

First of all, Happy New Year to all you lovely people reading my blog <3.

Last year was a big year for me. I managed to keep the blog alive for one WHOLE year (wohoo!!) and that wouldn't have been possible without the support of all you awesome people in my life. I should mention a special thanks to my love, my harshest critic and to my strongest supporter, my hubby. 

I wanted to start the new year off with some good vibes, and a cute baby elephant on some happy feet sounded just about right :). Who doesn't love baby elephants??

This is what it all started with. A cutie, don't you think! I ordered a pair of TOMS for this project. I recently bought a pair for myself and I must say they are super comfortable and stylish. The best part is their One for One Campaign. For every pair of TOMS that you purchase, they donate a pair to a child in need. I think that's just another great way to start off the New Year!
Here we go...

Starting with the bare shoes, I laid down the design with a pencil. Then went over it with a nice pretty color.

Then came all the Tangles! This was a lot of fun. This pair is for a friend and I hope she likes it. How do you all think it turned out? I am considering making a pair for myself. :)